Boris Pioline
Directeur de recherches au CNRS

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE),
Sorbonne Université and CNRS, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Tour 13-14, 4ème étage, Boite 126,
4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris FRANCE

Office: Couloir 13-14, 5ème étage, bureau 516 ; Tel: (33) 1 44 27 74 30 - Fax: (33) 1 44 27 70 88

[ General Publications | Seminars | Teaching | Computing ]

General public :

  • "De la pomme à la supercorde", Colloquium, Caen, 22/12/06 (Powerpoint)
  • "Cordes, branes, horizons: surfaces fluctuantes et théries unifiées", 3/11/09 , ENSTA, Paris.
  • "Supercordes,etc ", 4/12/18 , Master 2 ICFP, ENS, Paris.
Physics audience :
  • "D-effects in String Theory" at CERN, 25/11/97
  • "D-effects in String Theory" at ENSLAPP, Annecy, 27/11/97
  • "M-theory and U-duality, a group theory approach" at Hamburg workshop on D-brane CFT's, 11/09/98.
  • "M-theory and U-duality, an algebraic approach" at CERN, 7/12/98 .
  • "Duality and Large dimensions" at NBI and NORDITA, 2/03/99 .
  • "Duality and Low Scale Strings" at Saclay, 22/03/99 .
  • "Self-duality, theme and variations" at CERN, 09/08/00 .
  • "Irrational non-commutative gauge theories" at Kolymbari, Crete, 14/09/00.
  • "Fuzzy branes and solitons" at AEI Potsdam, 01/09/00 . and LPTHE Paris, 25/09/00.
  • "Non-perturbative amplitudes and instantons effects in string/M-theory" at Seoul, 12/2000.
  • "Exceptional Theta series and the quantum BPS membrane" at Cambridge UK, 11/02/02 .
  • "Strings in homogeneous wave backgrounds and null holography" at Harvard, 11/04/02 and U Penn, 1/05/02.
  • "Holography in homogeneous wave backgrounds" at Euresco Meeting, Bad Herrenalb, 02/06/02 .
  • "Non Gaussian Theta series and the supermembrane" at TH2002, Unesco, Paris, 22/07/02 .
  • "M-theory and automorphic forms" at LPM, Montpellier, 24/10/02 .
  • "Conformal quantum mechanics and Quantum cosmology" at Leuven, 14/11/02 and Paris, TMR meeting, 12/12/02 .
  • "Open strings in electric fields and time-dependent backgrounds" at Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, 16/05/03 ,.
  • Same in Institut Henri Poincaré Paris, 21/05/03 , and Tor Vergata University, Rome, 26/05/03 .
  • "Open strings in electric fields and the Milne Universe" at Strings 2003, Kyoto, 10/06/03 .
  • "Aspect de la theorie des cordes dans un champ de fond dependant du temps", habilitation thesis defense at LPTHE, 19/09/03
  • "Open strings in electric fields and the Milne Universe" at DAMTP, Cambridge, 25/09/03.
  • "Closed strings in the Milne Universe, and electric fields" at Neve Shalom, Israel, 28/10/03 .
  • "Closed strings in the Misner Universe" at NBI, Danemark, 2/12/03 and GreCO, Paris, 11/02/04 .
  • "Closed strings in the Misner Universe, aka the Lorentzian orbifold" at Amsterdam, 17/02/04 , Harvard, 11/03/04
  • Same at Imperial College, London, 7/05/04 , CERN, 25/05/04 , IAP String Cosmology workshop, 18/06/04, and Durham University, 12/11/04 .
  • "Small black hole degeneracies and the topological string amplitude" at London Triangular Meeting, 16/03/05, and Ecole Polytechnique, 22/03/05 .
  • "Small black hole degeneracies and the topological string amplitude" at ICTP Conference, Moscow, 11/04/05
  • "Closed strings in the Misner Universe, a toy model of the Big Crunch ?" at String Cosmology Workshop, Uppsala, 25/04/05
  • "Black hole entropy and topological string theory" at LPTHE, Paris, 29/04/05 and CERN, 24/05/05
  • "Automorphic forms and black holes" at Leiden, 30/08/05 .
  • "The quantum attractor mechanism" at Caltech, 11/11/05 , Berkeley 29/11/05 (black board), and KITP, 6/12/05
  • "Black hole degeneracies, topological strings and quantum attractors" RTN Winter School, CERN, 16-20/01/06 [ Lectures 1,2 | Lecture 3 | Lecture 4 ]
  • "Quantum attractor flows", at ASC workshop on black holes, black rings and topological strings, Munich, 03/04/06
  • "Quantum attractor flows", at Amsterdam U, 23/05/06 , featuring BEAMER style for the first time !
  • "Quantizing BPS black holes", at Utrecht, 05/10/06 , Trieste, 10/10/06 , Oxford 06/11/06 .
  • "Quantizing BPS black holes", at "M-theory in the City" workshop, London, 10/11/06 and Indian Strings Meeting, Puri, 12/12/06 (40 mins)
  • "Quantum Attractor Flows", at Pisa, 27/03/07 and Newe Shalom, 10/04/07
  • "Quantum Attractors and Black Hole Partition Functions", at SPhT Saclay, 28/09/07 and LPTA Montpellier, 22/10/07 (black board talks)
  • "Quantum Attractors and Black Hole Partition Functions", at Toronto U, 22/11/07
  • "Instanton corrections and black hole partition functions", workshop "Gravitational Thermodynamics and the Structure of Space Time", Edinburgh, 17/06/08
  • "BPS black holes and topological strings", invited review talk at Strings 2008 Conference, CERN, 22/08/08 [ Webcast ]
  • "Black holes, instantons and twistors", black board talk at IHES, 12/09/08 and CERN, 15/09/08; 19/11/08 , Leuven.
  • "Instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli spaces and black hole counting", 22/01/09 , Harvard.
  • "Hypermultiplets, instantons and black holes", Galileo Galilei Institute, 15/04/2009.
  • "Progress on hypermultiplet moduli spaces", 28/01/10 , ZMP Hamburg; 15/02/10, Trinity College, Dublin.
  • "Fivebrane instantons, topological wave-functions and hypermultiplets", 27/07/10, ESI Vienna.
  • "Hypermultiplet moduli spaces in type II string theories: a survey", 30/08/10, IHP, Paris.
  • "Wall-crossing from Boltzmannian Black Hole Halos", 18/10/10, PICS meeting, London.
  • "Lectures on instantons, wall-crossing and hypermultiplet moduli spaces", 18-19/11/10, ICTP Trieste [in progress, for physicists].
  • "Hypermultiplet moduli spaces in type II string theories: a mini-survey", 5/01/11, ISM 2011 meeting, Puri, India.
  • "Wall-crossing from multicentered BPS quantum black holes", 9/02/11, Hebrew U, Jerusalem.
  • "Hyperinstantons, black holes and wall-crossing", 14/03/11, XXIIIth Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model", Bad Honnef.
  • "Wall-crossing from multicentered BPS quantum black holes", 27/04/11, DAMTP, Cambridge; 19/05/11, Solvay conference, Bruxelles.
  • "Wall-crossing from multicentered BPS quantum black holes", 23/05/11, IPHT, Saclay; 07/06/11, CERN.
  • "Three ways across the wall ", 25/01/12, CERN.
  • "Unfolding methods for string amplitudes", 14/06/12, NBI, Copenhagen
  • "Wall-crossing, black holes and quivers", 25-27/09/12, lectures at 18th European Workshop on String Theory, Corfu
  • "From black holes to quivers", 14/11/12, Imperial College, London
  • "Hypermultiplet moduli spaces in type II string theories: a survey", 21/10/13, Lisbon
  • "On the Witten index of N=2, D=4 supersymmetric theories", 17/04/14, Meeting on Mock Modular Forms and Physics, Chennai (black board)
  • "Unfolding methods for string amplitudes", 21/04/14, HRI, Allahabad
  • "A Coulomb branch viewpoint on quiver indices", 08/10/14, KUL, Leuven
  • "A smooth index for N=2, D=4 theories on R^3", 19/12/14, ISM 2014, Puri
  • "Wall-crossing, easy and smooth", 23/02/15, Oxford; 26/02/15, Cambridge; 27/04/15, Weizmann (blackboard)
  • "D^p R^4  couplings in various dimensions", 03/03/15, CERN (blackboard)
  • "BPS indices: a trilogy", 17/09/15, KIAS/YITP workshop on Geometry in Gauge Theories and String Theory, Seoul
  • "Unfolding methods for closed string amplitudes", 13/04/16, Trinity College, Dublin 
  • "BPS amplitudes, theta lifts and the Kawazumi-Zhang invariant", 24/05/16, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
  • "D-instantons and indefinite theta series", 21/10/16, KIPMU, Tokyo
  • "Protected couplings and BPS black holes", 22/11/16, workshop on "Geometry and Physics", Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee
  • "Protected couplings and BPS black holes", 30/03/17, ICTP Trieste
  • "Protected couplings and BPS black holes", 20/06/17, Bhaumik Institute, UCLA
  • "Indefinite theta series, black holes and instantons", 24/8/17, ENS Summer Institute, Paris (blackboard)
  • "Protected couplings and BPS black holes", 23/10/17, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam
  • "Recounting black hole counting", 28/11/17, 50th Anniversary of LPTHE, Paris
  • "Exact BPS couplings and black hole counting", 09/04/18, 23rd European String workshop, King's College, London
  • "Quivers, black holes, and attractor indices", 23/09/18, Conference on "Quantum Fields, knots and strings", Warsaw
  • "BPS black holes, wall-crossing and mock modular forms of higher depth", 14/12/18, Durham
  • "Asymptotics of higher genus string integrands", 16/04/19, GGI Florence
  • "BPS indices, Vafa-Witten invariants and quivers", 21/09/20, KIAS Automn Symposium and 10/09/20, IST Lisbon
  • "Attractor invariants, brane tilings and crystals", 10/03/21, Imperial College London;  22/03/21, IIT Madras
  • "From attractor indices to single-centered indices", 22/09/21, Workshop on Black Holes, BPS and Quantum Inforrmation, IST Lisbon
  • "BPS dendroscopy on local Calabi-Yau threefolds", 30/06/22, "New trends in non-perturbative gauge/string theory", Dijon
  • "BPS dendroscopy on local Calabi-Yau threefolds", 07/07/22, XII workshop on Geometric Correspondances of Gauge theory, SISSA
  • "Modularity of BPS indices on Calabi-Yau threefolds", 14/02/23, GASP workshop, KIPMU Tokyo
  • "Counting Calabi-Yau black holes with (mock) modular forms",  15/03/23, Joint Belgian Seminars, Bruxelles
  • "Counting Calabi-Yau black holes with (mock) modular forms",  30/05/23, South East University, Nanjing (remote) 
  • "Counting Calabi-Yau black holes with (mock) modular forms",  11/08/23, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
  • "BPS dendroscopy on local projective plane", 08/09/23, Workshop "Intersections of Strings and QFT IV", Birmingham
  • "Counting Calabi-Yau black holes with (mock) modular forms",  Strings in Seoul 2023, KIAS 12/09/23

Mathematics audience:
  • "Black holes and automorphic forms", at CIRM workshop on Langlands program etc, 5/07/06 (black board talk)
  • "Representation Theory and Automorphic Black Hole Partition Functions", workshop "Formes automorphes: Physique et Mathematiques", in Lille, 12/12/07 (black board talk).
  • "Instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli spaces and black hole counting", Workshop on derived geometry and stability, Stony Brook 17/01/09 (black board talk).
  • "Hypermultiplets, instantons and black holes", Workshop on Mirror Symmetry, University of Bonn, 2-5/06/2009 (black board).
  • "Wall-crossing from Boltzmannian Black Hole Halos", 28/10/10 , AGMP-6 meeting, Tjarno.
  • "Quaternionic geometry, instanton corrections and wall-crossing", 23/11,30/11,7/11/10 , IMJ, Paris [for mathematicians].
  • "QK/HK correspondence, wall-crossing and the Rogers dilogarithm", 25/10/11 , AGMP Mulhouse, 2011
  • "Rankin-Selberg methods for closed string amplitudes", 28/02/14 , Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon
  • "Rankin-Selberg methods for closed string amplitudes", 05/03/14 , Workshop " Automorphic forms, Lie algebra and string theory", Lille
  • "Une perspective physique sur la cohomologie des espaces de modules des représentations de carquois", 11/06/14, Séminaire d'algèbre et géométrie, Univ. de Caen (black board)
  • "A string theorist viewpoint on the Kawazumi-Zhang invariant of genus-two Riemann surfaces", 27/05/15 CIRM Marseille (video)
  • "Mock modular forms on orthogonal Grassmannians from generalized Borcherds lifts", Koln, 16/11/15 (blackboard)
  • "Protected couplings and BPS black holes", 31/08/16, Simons Center, Stony Brook (blackboard)
  • "Indefinite theta series, generalized error functions and D-instantons", 03/11/16, ETH, Zurich
  • "Indefinite theta series and generalized error functions", 03/06/17, Hamilton Institute for Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin (blackboard)
  • " Séries théta indéfinies and fonctions erreur généralisées", Séminaire Groupes Réductifs et Formes Automorphes", IMJ, 12/03/18 (blackboard)
  • "A physicist's viewpoint on the cohomology of quiver moduli", Séminaire Groupes, Représentations et Géometrie, IMJ-PRG, 25/5/18
  • "BPS black holes, wall-crossing and mock modular forms of higher depth I", 13/09/18, Workshop on Moonshine, ESI Vienna
  • "Attractor invariants for local Calabi-Yau threefolds", 18/05/21, Séminaire d'Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique, Orsay
  • "Attractor invariants for local Calabi-Yau threefolds", 25/06/21, Séminaire Groupes, Représentations et Géometrie, IMJ-PRG
  • "The global BPS spectrum of local P^2", 07/09/22, Workshop "BPS states, mirror symmetry and WKB II", Sheffield

Mixed math/physics audience:

  • "Automorphy in hypermultiplet moduli spaces", 12/05/11 , BIRS workshop, Banff, Canada.
  • "Hypermultiplet moduli spaces in type II string theories: a survey", 8/05/12, Bonn
  • "Rankin-Selberg methods for string amplitudes", 10/05/12 , math/physics seminar, Köln
  • "D3-instantons, mock theta series and twistors", 17/07/12, Strings Math 2012, Bonn
  • "Rankin-Selberg methods for closed string amplitudes", 17/06/13, String Math 2013, Simons Institute; 
  • "Rankin-Selberg methods for closed string amplitudes", 18/09/13, Fields Institute, Toronto 
  • "BPS indices and quaternionic geometry", workshop on "Special Geometric Structures in Mathematics and Physics", Hamburg Sep 8-12/2014 (bb)
  • "A string theorist viewpoint on the Kawazumi-Zhang invariant of genus-two Riemann surfaces", 03/01/16, String-Math 2015.5, Sanya
  • "Indefinite theta series and generalized error functions", 23/09/16, Simons Center, Stony Brook (blackboard)
  • "A string theorist viewpoint on the genus-two Kawazumi-Zhang invariant", 25/10/2016, MCM2016 workshop, OIST, Okinawa
  • "Maass forms and modular forms in Physics", 08/09/17, Simons Foundation, New York
  • "Exact effective interactions in string vacua with extended SUSY", 26/07/18, ICMP 2018, Montreal
  • "Quantum black holes and mock modular forms", 07/06/19, Math-physics Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
  • "Attractor invariants, brane tilings and crystals", 27/04/21, Math-String seminar, Kavli IPMU, Tok
  • "Exact BPS couplings and black hole counting", 25/05/21, Workshop " New connections in number theory and physics", Newton Institute, Cambridg
  • "BPS dendroscopy on local Calabi-Yau threefolds", 14/07/22, String-Math 2022,Vienna
  • "BPS modularity on Calabi-Yau threefolds", 26/08/22, Workshop "Crossing the bridge: New connections in number theory and physics", Newton Institute, Cambridge
  • "BPS dendroscopy on local P^2", 20/10/22, QFT and Geometry Zoom Seminar
  • "Modular bootstrap for BPS indices on Calabi-Yau threefolds", 25/11/22, Seminar on Conformal Field Theory and Related topics, Erlangen
  • "Modular bootstrap for BPS indices on Calabi-Yau threefolds", 01/12/22, ZMP Math-Physics Colloquium, Hamburg
  • "Modularity of BPS indices on Calabi-Yau threefolds", 11/01/23, Simons Collaboration Conference, Oxford
  • "Counting Calabi-Yau black holes with (mock) modular forms",  05/06/23, Pollica Summer Workshop
  • "Attractor flow trees and scattering diagrams", 04/10/23, Workshop "Machine learning, Number theory and Quantum Black holes", Cambridge

Last updated on Oct 3, 2023.