Boris Pioline
Directeur de recherches au CNRS

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE),
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 and CNRS,
Tour 13-14, 4ème étage, Boîte 126,
4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris FRANCE

Office: Couloir 13-14, 5ème étage, bureau 516 ; Tel: (33) 1 44 27 74 30 - Fax: (33) 1 44 27 70 88
[ General Publications | Seminars | Teaching | Computing ]
Teaching Material

From 2001 to 2005, I have given some exercise sessions (TD) in Quantum Field Theory at the Theoretical Physics Master Programme in Paris. The reference textbooks were Itzykson & Zuber and Peskin & Schröder. You can download below some of the material (in French), to be covered in one term:
  • TD1: Champs classiques: Thm de Noether, Tenseur energie-impulsion [ps]
  • TD2: Champ scalaire libre, Propagateurs [ps]
  • TD3: Effet Casimir [ps]
  • TD4: Boson vectoriel massif [ps]
  • TD5: Supersymetrie, modele de Wess-Zumino [ps]
  • TD6: Calcul de Schwinger, fermions en champ e-m constant [ps]
  • TD7: Formules de reduction LSZ et diagrammes de Feynman [ps]
  • TD8: Sections efficaces aux arbres, diffusion e+e-, [ps]
  • TD9: Renormalisation a 1-boucle, modele de Wess-Zumino [ps]

From 2006 to 2009, I have been co-teaching "Introduction to String Theory" at the Theoretical Physics Master Programme in Paris, in partnership with E. Kiritsis and then with M. Petrini. Below are some handwritten notes in French:

  • 0: Introduction et motivation [pdf]
  • 1: Cordes relativistes classiques [pdf]
  • 2: Quantification de la corde bosonique [pdf]
  • 3: Compactification toroidale [pdf]
  • 4: Supercordes [pdf]

From Fall 2011 till 2014,  I have been teaching "Advanced Quantum Field Theory and String Theory" at the joint Theoretical Physics Master Programme of Ecole Polytechnique and ETH Zurich, in partnership with Paul Windey. Below are some scanned notes in English:

  • 1: Infrared Divergences in QED [pdf]
  • 2: Instantons and Solitons [pdf]
  • 3: Large N methods [pdf]
  • 4: String Theory Appetizer [pdf]
  • 5: Closed Bosonic Strings [pdf]
  • 6: Open Strings and D-branes [pdf]
  • 7: Rudiments of CFT [pdf]
  • 8: BRST covariant quantization [pdf]
  • 9: String Interactions [pdf]
  • 10: Compactification [pdf]
Last updated on Sep 8, 2017.