This section provides a scanned version of those of my articles which may not be available online, either because they were published prior to the Internet era or published in non-academic periodicals. The section also contains a few unpublished manuscripts.

Basically, there were 4 successive periods: (i) 1968-1972: Particle physics (ii) 1973-1982: Mathematical studies and transition to the social sciences (iii) 1983-1995: Studies in the social sciences prior to the introduction of econophysics as a new field of physics (iv) 1996-2010: Studies in econophysics.


La direction de phase stationnaire dans un milieu absorbant. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1970 (26 janvier), 270, 301-304 (click)


Determination explicite de la direction de phase stationnaire lors de la transmission d'une onde electromagnetique d'un milieu isotrope absorbant a un autre. Annales de Geophysique, 1971, 27, 4, 463-468 (click)

Neutrinoproduction of pions near the first resonance. Nuclear Physics, 1971, B31, 349-359 (click)


GROUP REPRESENTATIONS (in French). Course for graduated students (unpublished manuscript, 198 p.). Table of contents. (click)

Ch. 1. Symmetries in nature and physics. (click)

Ch. 1 Examples of groups. (click)

Ch. 2. Notion of group representation. (click)

Ch. 3. Main properties of group representations. (click)

Ch. 3. Application to the rotation group. (click)

Appendix: Hilbert space. Bibliography. Index. (click)


Les travailleurs et l'Empire. Politique Hebdo, 1974, June 6-12, 17-19 (pseudonym ``Pierre Bertrand'') (click)

Le syndicalisme aux USA. Politique Hebdo, 1974, November 21-27, 15-18 (click)

Le developpement des mathematiques a l'epoque grecque. Unpublished manuscript written around 1974. (click)


Processus stochastiques de naissances et morts. Lien avec les fractions continues [Stochastic birth and death processes. Link with continued fractions]. Unpublished manuscript. (click)


La methode de la distribution la plus probable dans le cas de distributions lentement decroissantes et la loi de Pareto [The approach of statistical mechanics applied to variables which have a probability distribution that decreases as a power law]. Unpublished manuscripts. (click)


Order transmission efficiency in large hierarchical organizations. International Journal of Systems Science, 1982, 13, 5, 531-546 (click)

Solving the birth and death processes with quadratic asymptotically symmetric transition rates. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1982, 42, 5, 1020-1046. (click)

A dynamic generalization of Zipf's rank-size rule. Environment and Planning A, 1982, 14, 1449-1467 (click)


Time evolution of a system of two valued interacting elements: a microscopic interpretation of birth and death equations. International Journal of Systems Science, 1983, 14, 10, 1191-1216 (click)

Application of Stieljes theory for S-fractions to birth and death processes. Advances in Applied Probability 15, 507-530. (click)


Macroeconomic regularities in the growth of nations: an empirical inquiry. International Journal of Systems Science, 1984, 15, 9, 917-936 (click)


Aggregation of independent Paretian random variables. Advances in Applied Probability 17, 465-469 (click)


An empirical study of price correlations: 1. How should spatial interactions between interdependent markets be measured? Environment and Planning A, 1989, 21, 161-173. (click)

An empirical study of price correlations: 2. The decrease of price correlation with distance and the concept of correlation length. Environment and Planning A, 1989, 21, 289-298 (click)


Invariant patterns of wheat price series. Economies et Societes, serie EM, 1990, 11, 5-27. (click)

L'economie, un point de vue epistemologique pour une approche plus ``experimentale''. Economies et Societes, serie EM, 1990, 11, 57-71. (click)


Le Prix du ble. Les Interactions spatiales des marches. Pour la Science, 1992, 172, 28-29. (click)


The comparative way in economics: a reappraisal. Economie Appliquee, 1997, 50, 4, 7-32 (click)

Jesuits and the state: a comparative study of their expulsions (1590-1990). Religion, 1997, 27, 165-182 (click)

Spatial and historical determinants of separatism and integration. Part 1: p.25-35. Swiss Journal of Sociology 23,1,25-59 (1997) (click)

Spatial and historical determinants of separatism and integration. Part 2: p.36-59. Swiss Journal of Sociology 23,1,25-59 (1997) (click)


Spatial analysis of real estate price bubbles: Paris 1984-1993. Regional Science and Urban Economics 1999, 29, 73-88 (click)


Comparing the correlation length of grain markets in China and France. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2000, 11, 7, 1383-1410 (click) [The paper contains grain price data for several market places in China and France between 1742 and 1877.]


Iraq: what is (likely) to happen next? Community News, Brookhaven National Laboratory, April 2003, Editorial column (p. 2) (click)


A bridge between liquids and socio-economic systems: the key-role of interaction strengths. Physica A, 348, 659-682. (click)


Real estate price peaks: a comparative overview. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 2006, 2, 2, 167-182. (click)

White flight or flight from poverty? Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 1, 75-87. (click)


Econophysics: Challenges and promises. An observation-based approach. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 2008, 4, 2, 251-266. (click)


Econophysics: origin, basic principles and perspectives. Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science (Springer, 2009) (click)


Fifteen years of econophysics: worries, hopes and propects. Science and Culture (Kolkata, India), Sep-Oct 2010, 305-314 (click)