Quelques articles /
Selected papers:
XXIe SIECLE / XXIst CENTURY avec divers collaborateurs / with various coauthors:
EQUATIONS" SIDE retour au LPTHE / back to LPTHE http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr
Geometry of Yang-Mills theory:
"The geometrical
interpretation of the Faddeev-Popov determinant " avec O. Babelon Phys.Lett. 85B (1979), pp 246-248
"The geometrical setting of gauge theories of
the Yang-Mills type" avec M .Daniel
Rev.Mod.Phys 52 (1980), pp 175-197 and
Usp. Fiz. Nauk. 136 377-419 (1982)
" On the bundle of connections and the gauge orbit manifold in Yang-Mills theory " avec P. Mitter, Comm.Math.Phys. 79 (1981), p 457
Quantum anomalies: cohomology:
"B.R.S. algebras: Analysis of the consistency equations in gauge theory" avec M. Dubois-Violette et M. Talon , Comm.Math.Phys. 102 (1985), p. 105
Quantum anomalies: physics:
"Quantization of gauge theories with Weyl fermions " avec O. Babelon et F. Schaposnik
Phys. Lett B 177 (1986), pp 385-388
Quantum integrable systems:
"Exact solution of the Z_{n+1}xZ_{n+1} symmetric generalization of the XXZ model " avec O. Babelon et H de Vega
Nucl. Phys. B180 [FS2] (1981), p. 189
Classical integrable systems:
"Hamiltonian structures and Lax equations " avec O. Babelon Phys.Lett B 237, (1989) p. 411
Systemes discrets/ Discrete systems: Le debut de l'entropie algebrique / The beginning of algebraic entropy :
"Singularity, complexity and quasi-integrability
of rational mappings" avec
G.Falqui Comm.Math.Phys.
154 (1993), p111
"Singularity confinement and chaos in discrete
systems" avec J. Hietarinta
(Phys.Rev.Let. 81 (1998), pp
"Algebraic entropy"
avec M. Bellon (arXiv:chao-dyn/9805006)
Comm.Math.Phys. 204 (1999), pp. 425-437
classification of four-state spin edge Potts models" J.
Phys. A
35 (2002) pp 9251-9272
Phys.Lett. A 336 (2005) pp 152-158
"About correspondences" Phys.Lett.
A 322 (2004) pp 186-193
"On the complexity of some
birational transformations"
J.Phys. A 39 (2006) pp
"Algebraic entropy for lattice equations"
"Searching for integrable lattice maps using factorization"
(arXiv:0705.1903) J.Phys. A 40 (2007), pp 12629-12643
"Integrable lattice maps: Q_V, a rational version of Q_4"
(arXiv:0802.0294v1) Glasgow Math. J., 51A (2009) pp 157-163
"How to detect the integrability of discrete systems" J.Phys. A 42 (2009), 454002
"Asymmetric integrable quad-graph equations"
(arXiv:0906.2339) Applicable Analysis 89 (2010), pp 493-506
"Weak Lax pairs for lattice equations"
(arXiv:1105.3329) Nonlinearity 25 (2012) pp 1955-1966
"Integrable lattice equations with vertex and bond variables"
(arXiv:1105.4996) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 385201
"Algebraic entropy for semi-discrete equations"
(arXiv:1206.1214) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 352001
"From Yang-Baxter maps to integrable recurrences"
JNMP 20 (2013) pp 260-270
"Algebraic entropy for differential-delay equations"
"On the algebraic structure of rational discrete dynamical systems"
(typos corrected in: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 16FT01,
"Rational Maps with Invariant Surfaces"
"Complexity and integrability in 4D bi-rational maps with two invariants"
"On the degree growth of iterated birational maps"
"Bi-rational maps in four dimensions with two invariants" doi=10.1088/1751-8121/ab72ad
"Features of discrete integrability" ; CRM Series in Mathematical Physics