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Phenomenology Beyond the Standard Model

K. Benakli, B. Fuks, M. Goodsell, P. Slavich

A number of reasons make it desirable to add new particles or interactions to the Standard Model of particle physics. On one hand, from the observational point of view, this would allow to account for the current measurements of the galaxy rotation curves, of the expansion of the Universe and of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter. On the other hand, from the theoretical point of view, such extensions seem necessary in order to formulate a quantum theory of gravity, and to address the problem of the hierarchy between the Planck scale and the electroweak scale.

In this framework, the research activity at LPTHE follows different lines:

  • the study of the mechanisms of supersymmetry breaking and the resulting superparticle spectra;
  • the implications for flavor physics of the mechanism of supersymmetry breaking;
  • the computation of quantum corrections in supersymmetric models; the study of their implications for precision measurements and the resulting constraints on new physics;
  • the role of extra dimensions to provide a geometrical picture of the origin of the parameters of the four-dimensional effective theories, and the study of their experimental signatures;
  • the compactifications of string theory as «ultraviolet regulators» for the study of quantum corrections in extensions of the Standard Model.