
USA-China: Cooperation or confrontation?
An illustration of how to conduct a scientific analysis of historical events?

A book in English and Chinese by Bertrand Roehner and Ruiqi Li (2017)

For those who are fond of science fiction, this book can be seen as a continuation of Isaac Asimov's ``Foundation'' trilogy. While Asimov does not tell us how his ``psychohistorians'' were able to perform their job, this book explains how it can possibly be done.

``There is a strong family resemblance about the misdeeds, and if you have all the details of a thousand at your finger ends, it is odd if you can't unravel the thousand and first.''
(Sir Athur Conan Doyle, The Valley of Fear, 1915).
If, like us, you take pleasure in the investigations of Sherlock Holmes you will find that the methods used in the present book parallel many of his inquiry techniques, e.g. his reliance on the annals of crime, on his magnifying glass or on such specialized tools as his comprehensive monograph of cigarette butts.

Contents and Preface Translated by Guoyu Wu

Part 1: Scientific analysis of historical events: method and case studies of facets of US vs. PRC

Ch. 1: What motivated the attack of 11 September 2001? Translated by Renjie Xu

``Chinese only'' version of ``Preface+Chapter 1''

Ch. 3: National activation in China and other countries. Translated by Peipei Liu

Ch. 5: ``The Pacific as an American lake'' Translated by Peipei Liu

Part 2: Scientific analysis of historical events: concepts

Ch. 7: Analytical history: Where history and sociology meet Translated by Peipei Liu, Yulang Qin, Renjie Xu

Ch. 8: What is to be done? Translated by Ruiqi Li

The remaining chapters will follow suit.
The Preface and Chapter 1 should already give a good idea of the objective and of the method for transforming history into a testable science, a transition similar to the one which led from astrology to astronomy.

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