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Calculate total or single inclusive differential cross
sections for heavy quark production (charm or bottom) at
ppbar or pp colliders, with cuts on pT and y or eta.
Non perturbative fragmentation into heavy hadrons and their subsequent
decays into other final states (leptons, quarkonia, ...) can also be
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28 Aug 2024 - Addition of 16.8 GeV CM energy
06 Aug 2024 - Addition of 5.36 TeV CM energy and of NNPDF30nlo_as0118 set for 5.5 TeV
05 Dec 2022 - Changed default PDF set to NNPDF30nlo_as0118, where available. Added 5.03 TeV with this PDF set.
03 Aug 2022 - Addition of 13.6 TeV CM energy
11 Feb 2022 - Addition of new CM energies, 8.16 TeV and 68.6 GeV
11 Oct 2018 - Addition of double-differential output options ds/dpt/dy and ds/dpt/deta
Central values: mb = 4.75 GeV for bottom, mc = 1.5 GeV for charm,
μR = μF =
μ0 = sqrt(m2 + pT2)
Scales uncertainties: μ0/2 < μR, μF < 2μ0
with 1/2 < μR/μF < 2.
Mass uncertainties: mb = 4.5, 5.0 GeV for bottom, mc = 1.3, 1.7 GeV for charm, summed in quadrature to scales uncertainties.
PDFs uncertainties: calculated according to the individual PDF set recipe, and summed in quadrature to scales and mass uncertainties.
No fragmentation fractions (unless specified above)
are included for the heavy quark -> heavy hadron fragmentation.
This means that all heavy quarks are hadronised as if they fragmented
into the chosen heavy hadron.
To construct the proper mixing, the correct fragmentation fraction (FF) must be
provided and the results summed separately.
The D0 and D+ already include feedown from D*.
The correct branching ratios (BR) for weak decays into leptons and other hadrons are instead
provided by