
Sorbonne Universite

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Postes permanents au LPTHE

  • Maître de Conférences en physique mathématique

    Un poste de Maître de Conférences avec prise de fonction en septembre 2024 est ouvert au LPTHE, Sorbonne Université, en physique mathématique et ses interfaces : intégrabilité classique et quantique, théories conformes, méthodes exactes en théories de champs, amplitudes de diffusion en théories de jauge et théorie des cordes, théories des champs topologiques, géométrie énumérative et combinatoire.

    Pour plus d'information, contacter Michela Petrini ( et Marco Picco (

    Plus de détails sur le poste avec les instructions pour postuler sont disponibles à ce lien.

  • Chaire Professeur Junior en théorie et phénoménologie des astroparticules

A tenure-track professorship ("Chaire Professeur Junior" CPJ, in the French system) in the field of Astroparticle Theory and Phenomenology will open soon at the LPTHE.

CPJs are a rather new hiring scheme in France. The researcher will be recruited at the assistant-professor level and then promoted directly to the professor level, after a period of 3 to 6 years and a tenure review. The position is endowed with a start-up package of 200KEUR, e.g. for hiring a postdoc/student and for traveling. Candidates at a career level of a few years after their PhD and with an already quite established trajectory and impact are expected to have the highest chances. There will be some reduced teaching duties during the junior years (details depending on the local arrangements). This scheme is almost completely decoupled from other university openings and from the annual CNRS hirings.

The application system is accessible from this webpage (job reference 626) (*). The deadline for applications is 29th April 2024 at 4pm (Paris time). The documents requested by the system are the following:

1. The form "fiche de candidature CPJ": use the template found on the application webpage linked above and upload it under 'Présentation analytique'; the fields can be filled in English or French. 2. A photo ID. 3. The PhD certificate or equivalent. If not in French, it should be accompanied by a translation to French. Such translation may be realized by a professional translator or by the candidate (in which case, the candidate should add a signed note declaring the conformity of the two texts). 4. The PhD defense report (or a note signed by the candidate stating that such report is not available). Same rules as the previous point for what concerns the translation. 5. Up to 6 publications (papers, book chapters, other) chosen by the candidate among the most representative ones of their activity.

The interviews of the short-listed candidates are expected to occur in person in Paris in mid-June 2024. The starting date of the appointment is expected to be September 2024.

(*) Candidates who do not have access to the Galaxie application system (in particular candidates not familiar with French) may exceptionally submit the complete application by email. Send the application files to with the subject ''Candidature CPJ LPTHE''. The required documents are as listed above.


Petrini, Michela (

Letters of Reference should be sent to: