/* Problem 3 for colnew, example of continuation */

/* Quantum Neumann equation, with 2 "eigenvalues" c_1 and c_2     */
/* (c_1=v-c_2-c_3, v is a parameter, used in continuation)        */
/*                                                                */
/* diff(f,x,2) + (1/2)*(1/x + 1/(x-1) + 1/(x-y))*diff(f,x)        */
/*      - (c_1/x + c_2/(x-1) + c_3/(x-y))* f(x) = 0               */
/*                                                                */
/* and 4 "boundary" conditions: diff(f,x)(a_k)=2*c_k*f(a_k) for   */
/* k=1,2,3, a_k=(0, 1 , y)  and normalization f(1) = 1            */ 
/*                                                                */
/* The z-vector is z_1=f, z_2=diff(f,x), z_3=c_2 and z_4=c_3      */
/* The guess is chosen to have one node in [0,1],  f(x)=2*x-1     */
/* such that f(1)=1, c_2 and c_3 are chosen to cancel poles in    */
/* the differential equation at 1.0 and y, z_3=1, z_4=1/(2*y-1)   */
/* Ref: http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0407005                       */

/* Number of differential equations */
ncomp : 3;
/* Orders */
m : [2, 1, 1];

/* Set up parameter array.  */
ipar : makelist(0,k,1,11);

/* Non-linear prob */
ipar[1] : 1;

/* Number of collocation points */
ipar[2] : 3;

/* Initial uniform mesh of 4 subintervals */
ipar[3] : 4;
ipar[8] : 0;

/* Size of fspace, ispace */
ipar[5] : 30000;
ipar[6] : 2000;

/* Medium output */
ipar[7] : 0;
/* Initial approx is provided */
ipar[9] : 1;

/* fixpnt is an array containing all fixed points in the mesh, in
particular "boundary" points, except aleft and aright, ipar[11] its size */
ipar[11] : 1;

/* Tolerances on all components z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4 */
ipar[4] : 4;

/* Tolerance on f and diff(f,x) and on c_2 and c_3 */
ltol : [1, 2, 3, 4];
tol : [1d-5, 1d-5, 1d-5, 1d-5];

fspace : makelist(0d0, k, 1, 30000)$
ispace : makelist(0, k, 1, 2000)$

/* the only  interior "boundary point" */
fixpnt : [1.0d0];

/* Define the differential equations */

/* v is the parameter. To solve the eigenvalues problem one adds the
equations c'_2 = 0, c'_3 = 0, so 4 unknowns constants, and 4 boundary conditions
f -> z[1], f' -> z[2], c_2 -> z[3], c_3 -> z[4], c_1 -> v - z[3] - z[4] */

f(x,z1,z2,z3,z4) :=
  [- (1/2.0d0)*(1/x + 1/(x-1.0d0) + 1/(x-y))*z2 +
      ((vv - z3 - z4)/x + z3/(x-1.0d0) + z4/(x-y))*z1,
  0.0d0, 0.0d0];
df : jacobian(f(x,z1,z2,z3,z4),[z1,z2,z3,z4])$

/* Define the boundary conditions, in order, one at 0, two at 1, one at y */

g(z1,z2,z3,z4) := [z2 - 2.0d0*z1*(vv-z3-z4), z2 - 2.0d0*z1*z3,
                z1 - 1.0d0, z2 - 2.0d0*z1*z4];
dg : jacobian(g(z1,z2,z3,z4), [z1,z2,z3,z4])$

/* Define constant, y is defined here to have clean formulas above */

y: 1.9d0;  /* Can be changed, but effect is not big */
v: 0.00001d0; /* Take v small at first */

/* Locations of side conditions, sorted, depends on y! */
zeta : float([0.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0, y])$
/* Interval ends */
aleft : 0.0d0$
aright : y$

/* One has to be especially careful to isolate the variables appearing in
fsub, ... so that they are not captured in intermediate computations and
frozen to fixed values. Hence the use of substitutions below. */

fsub(x,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['x=x,'y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4],
dfsub(x,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['x=x,'y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], df)$
gsub(i,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['x=x,'y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4],
dgsub(i,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], row(dg,i)[1])$

/* eigenstates are characterized by number of nodes in [0,1] and in
[1,y], here guess selects one node (zero) in [0,1] with linear
f(x)=2*x-1 and constant c_2, c_3, so dmval=0. Notice that the z-vector
has mstar = 4 components, while dmval has ncomp = 3 components. */

init_guess(x) := [[2.0d0*x -1.0d0, 2.0d0, 1.0d0, 1/(2.0d0*y-1.0d0)],[0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0]]$

[iflag, fspace, ispace] :
  colnew_expert(ncomp, m, aleft, aright, zeta, ipar, ltol, tol, fixpnt, ispace, fspace,
 		0, fsub, dfsub, gsub, dgsub, init_guess)$

/* Plot values of solution at x = 0.1 0.2 ... 1.0 ...y */

len: floor(1+y/0.1)$

xx: makelist(0.1*k, k, 0, len)$

zvals: colnew_appsln(xx, 4, fspace, ispace)$

/* Values of the wave function f. It plots to a straight line */

fvals: makelist(zvals[k][1],k, 1, 1+len)$

/* Show eigenvalues, it suffices to use the first value of x. Energy
is 2*(c_2+y*c_3). Show it */

printf(true, "c_2 = ~6,3f    c_3 = ~6,3f   E/2 = ~6,3f ~%", 
zvals[1][3], zvals[1][4], zvals[1][3]+y*zvals[1][4])$

/* Now do the continuation by setting ipar[9]=3, ipar(3)=ispace[1] and slowly
varying v in nstep steps. It is appropriate to use the previous mesh ipar[8]=1
rather than a uniform mesh, because the solution is wildly varying */

/* We store c_2 c_3 E/2 and v in the array eigenval. */

nsteps: 100;
tt: elapsed_real_time();

eigenval: makelist([0.0,0.0,0.0], k, 0, nsteps)$
vw: makelist(0,k,0,nsteps)$
vw[1] : 0$
eigenval[1][1]: zvals[1][3]$
eigenval[1][2]: zvals[1][4]$
eigenval[1][3]: zvals[1][3]+y*zvals[1][4]$

ipar[9] : 3;
ipar[8] : 1;

for i from 1 thru nsteps do
/* Poor man's logarithmic scale */
  (if (i < floor(nsteps/3)) then v: v + 0.2
    elseif(i <= floor(2*nsteps/3)) then v: v + 0.4
    else v: v + 1.0,
   vw[i+1] : v,
   print("v = ", v),
   fsub(x,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['x=x,'y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4],
   dfsub(x,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['x=x,'y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], df),
   gsub(i,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['x=x,'y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4],
   dgsub(i,z1,z2,z3,z4) := subst(['y=y,'vv=v,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], row(dg,i)[1]),
   ipar[3] : ispace[1],
   [iflag, fspace, ispace] :
   colnew_expert(ncomp, m, aleft, aright, zeta, ipar, ltol, tol, fixpnt, ispace, fspace,
 		0, fsub, dfsub, gsub, dgsub, init_guess),
   zval: colnew_appsln([0.1d0], 4, fspace, ispace)[1],
   eigenval[i+1][1]: zval[3],
   eigenval[i+1][2]: zval[4],
   eigenval[i+1][3]: zval[3]+y*zval[4])$

print("Elapsed time, ", elapsed_real_time() - tt, " seconds")$

/* Plot evolution of eigenvalues with v */

plot2d([[discrete, vw, makelist(eigenval[k][1], k, 1, nsteps+1)],
  [discrete, vw, makelist(eigenval[k][2], k, 1, nsteps+1)],
  [discrete, vw, makelist(eigenval[k][3], k, 1, nsteps+1)]])$

/* Show the eigenfunction for the last value of v. In fact it is of the form
f(t_1)*f(t_2) with t_1 in [0,1] and t_2 in [1,y]. We see it is concentrated
for t_1 close to 1 and t_2 close to y with exponential fallout when t_1 -> 0
or t_2 -> 1, which is to be expected. Note there is a node in [0,1]. This
corresponds to the particle localized near a pole of the sphere. */

zvals: colnew_appsln(xx, 4, fspace, ispace)$
fvals: makelist(zvals[k][1],k, 1, 1+len);